Transport (road transport) : shared interests in sustainable outcomes

"In depth report of co-benefits using transport as the entry point.
Goal 1. Sustainable transport systems enhance economic development, while minimizing potential negative impacts -Transport should support the efficient movement of people, goods and services to contribute to economic development and minimize the negative impacts associated in particular with congestion
Goal 2. Sustainable transport systems improve safety -Transport systems should be safe throughout the entire network, including roads, pedestrian zones and vehicles, and should be designed to avoid and reduce injuries and fatalities, and contribute to the health of local populations.
Goal 3. Sustainable transport systems ensure everyone can access transport services and facilities without barriers -Transport systems should be designed to serve the needs of all people, addressing the barriers that prevent mobility, especially for disadvantaged groups.
Goal 4. Transport systems promote environmentally sustainable transport options -Transport should ensure mobility by adopting environmentally sound systems and modes.
Goal 5. Sustainable transport systems promote mobility conducive to livelihood security and liveable communities - Transport systems should contribute to social cohesion by addressing congestion; improving public transport systems and policies aimed at reducing car use; developing infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists; and by encouraging social interaction and livelihood security. The resource is useful for public health officers, who are not experts on determinants of health, but who have responsibilities for dealing with a broad range of development issues and partners

, | 2011

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO

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