The Evolution of National Urban Policies. A Global Overview
"The purpose of this publication is to review the experience of national urban policies (NUPs) in selected countries around the world in order to draw broad lessons that would inform other countries interested in formulating or implementing their own policies. Background: The high-level lessons emerging are as follows:
1 - Active support needs to be mobilized across the different spheres of government to ensure a coordinated approach to planning and managing cities and towns.
2 - Implementation requires a sustained technical process to develop the legal foundations, capable institutions and financial instruments to design and build more productive, liveable and resilient cities and towns.
3 - Effective delivery requires active collaboration between spheres of government along with the devolution of appropriate responsibilities and resources.
4 - An important objective is to manage the peripheral expansion of cities in the interests of more compact and inclusive urban growth. This resource is useful for urban planners and governments."
Overview | 2014
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat