Urban transport and health. Module 5g. Sustainable transport: a sourcebook for policy-makers in developing cities

A training module and sourcebook for practical orientation, focusing on best practices in planning and regulation with examples of successful experiences in developing cities. It provides an overview of the key pathways by which transport can influence health, and the scale of transport-related health risks in OECD and developing countries. It then discusses instruments that are available to assess and counter transport-related health risks. This resource is good for offering some principles that can be used to guide the development of healthy transport systems. The sourcebook can be printed and provided to officials involved in urban transport. It can be easily adapted to fit a formal short course training event on urban transport. It might be useful for policy-makers in developing cities in transport, planning and public health sectors.

| 2011

Language(s): English; Spanish; Chinese; Other | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: WHO

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