RICH Food, Smart City: How Building Reliable, Inclusive, Competitive, and Healthy Food Systems is Smart Policy for Urban Asia

Rich Food, Smart City provides new insights into the status of urban food policy and governance across Asian cities of all sizes and offers concrete illustrations of the many policies and programs that Asia’s cities can learn from and implement to improve food system outcomes. It argues that to effectively mitigate food-related risks and climate impacts, realize the full potential of the urban food economy, and build back their economic and public health, Asian cities will “need to get smart to get RICH. ”That is, they will need to approach food matters in more forward-looking, integrated, and inclusive ways to create urban food systems that are more reliable (R), inclusive (I), competitive (C), and healthy (H), and thus, more fully supportive of the high aspirations that many cities have set for themselves. The study also provides guidance to different stakeholders, including city planners and leaders, national government officials, and representatives of industry, community, academic, and international organizations.

, , | 2021

Language(s): EN, Other | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: World Bank

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