Design Guide | 2017Action oriented | Descriptive resource
Cities Alive: Designing for urban childhoods
This report highlights why and how city stakeholders should start to create child-friendly urban environments. It begins by highlighting the changing urban context, then sets out five core challenges of urban childhoods: traffic and pollution; high-rise living and urban sprawl; crime, social fears...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: ARUP
Briefing | 2017Descriptive resource
Don’t pollute my future! The impact of the environment on children’s health
Broad and evidence-based briefing on environmental risk in childhood, focusing on specific diseases; it concludes with the information that reducing environmental risks could prevent a quarter of childhood deaths and disease. It also provides a review of the SDGs in relation to childhood risk and...
Language(s): EN, ES, FR, PT | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO
Briefing, Initiative | 2017Descriptive resource
Bending the curve on urban diabetes: New research approaches and innovative interventions for tackling diabetes in your city
This briefing presents highlights from research and diabetes action pilots in eight cities worldwide. The approach demonstrates how urban planning needs to be embedded as a solution to this health challenge. The focus is obesity, the single most significant driver of diabetes. Pitched against an objective...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Cities Changing Diabetes
Self Audit | 2017Action oriented
Reforming urban laws in Africa: a practical guide
This guide focuses on the law-making implementation challenge: how to make progress with an intention to make better laws for towns and cities in Africa. It proposes an approach to urban law-making that is grounded in an understanding of the local context. Produced largely by the African Centre for...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: African Centre for Cities, Cities Alliance, Urban LandMark, UN-Habitat
Evidence, Initiative | 2017Descriptive resource
Spatial Planning for Health: An Evidence Resource for Planning and Designing Healthier Places
The review identifies, critically appraises and summarizes existing review-level evidence of associations between the built and natural environment and health outcomes. The review is centred on five aspects of the built and natural environment: neighbourhood design, housing, healthier food, natural...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Public Health England