
Streets for walking and cycling: designing for safety, accessibility, and comfort in African cities

The guide emphasizes designing for safety, accessibility and comfort in African cities. These cities are fundamentally walking and cycling cities, but often lack the infrastructure and design to make these activities safe and comfortable. This design book provides detailed guidance on how to address these issues. The resource will be useful for a better design […]

Streets for walking and cycling: designing for safety, accessibility, and comfort in African cities Read More »

Healthy High Streets: Good place-making in an urban setting

This report synthesises the latest and most relevant evidence. Specifically, the report examines how important features of the high street can positively impact on social cohesion, and on mental and physical health. It provides street design principles. Good for making high streets more inclusive, safe and healthy and that promote social integration, particularly in areas

Healthy High Streets: Good place-making in an urban setting Read More »

Healthy Built Environment Linkages Toolkit

This 80-page toolkit is very comprehensive and describes how population health is influenced by the design of our neighbourhoods, housing, transportation systems, natural environments and food systems. It brings together research based key messages that correlate land-use planning decisions, impacts on the built environment and population health. Health professionals and others working to assist local

Healthy Built Environment Linkages Toolkit Read More »

Bending the curve on urban diabetes: New research approaches and innovative interventions for tackling diabetes in your city

This briefing presents highlights from research and diabetes action pilots in eight cities worldwide. The approach demonstrates how urban planning needs to be embedded as a solution to this health challenge. The focus is obesity, the single most significant driver of diabetes. Pitched against an objective to hold the rise of diabetes prevalence to 10%

Bending the curve on urban diabetes: New research approaches and innovative interventions for tackling diabetes in your city Read More »

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