Policy Makers

Protecting health through urban redevelopment of contaminated sites: planning brief

This brief summarizes the lessons learned across Europe on the redevelopment of contaminated sites as a part ofurban planning and renewal. Specifically, it aims to provide information on the health and environmental impacts to be considered during site redevelopment projects, and to identify good practice and relevant local experiencesto support effective, healthy and sustainable redevelopment

Protecting health through urban redevelopment of contaminated sites: planning brief Read More »

The Power of Cities: Tackling Noncommunicable Diseases and Road Traffic Injuries

This report discusses opportunities for city leaders to promote health and well-being by defining priorities, uniting stakeholders around common goals, and ensuring accountability for outcomes. This report looks at some of the specific areas where city authorities can take action to prevent NCDs and improve road safety. It focuses on a set of 10 intervention

The Power of Cities: Tackling Noncommunicable Diseases and Road Traffic Injuries Read More »

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