A new strategy of sustainable neighbourhood planning: Five Principles
In supporting sustainable neighbourhoods, these principles seek to: promote high-density urban growth, alleviate urban sprawl and maximize land efficiency; promote sustainable, diversified, socially equal and thriving communities in economically viable ways; encourage walkable neighbourhoods and reduce car dependency; optimize use of land and provide an interconnected network of streets which facilitate safe, efficient and pleasant walking, cycling and driving; foster local employment, local production and local consumption; provide a variety of plot sizes and housing types to cater for the diverse housing needs of communities, at densities which can ultimately support the provision of local services. Worldwide application for advocacy and communication of key health principles for local neighbourhood planning, design and regeneration. Useful for local decision-makers, planners, public health professionals and communities.
Briefing | 2014
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat