A review package for Health Impact Assessment reports of development projects

This excellent review package contains a complete quality assessment process for HIAs of development projects. It focusses on assessing HIA reports prepared in the United Kingdom, however it also offered as the basis for other countries to modify the criteria in line with their own decision-making context and HIA practice. The review package treats the HIA report as a stand-alone document. In practice HIA is often conducted alongside, and may draw on the results of, other assessment studies. The results of the HIA may be presented as an integral part of a larger study or as a stand-alone report. The way in which the results are presented is likely to be decided by the commissioner of the report and other parties such as the planning authority and the responsible health authority.. We suggest that the coverage of health issues will still need to address the criteria specified in this review package. It can be useful for urban planners, urban leaders and academics.

| 2009

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Country | Author/Publisher: Ben Cave Associates Ltd

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