Ciclovia Recreativa in Latin America and Open Streets in South Africa.
What started as an initiative in Bogotá, Colombia, then spread to hundreds of towns and cities in many countries. The activity is a time-limited period (weekly and/or on major public holidays) when specific major roads are closed to traffic so that residents have the space for jogging, running, skating, cycling and aerobics. It started as a way of encouraging fitness but now its social benefits of providing spaces to meet with friends, family and fellow city dwellers of all ages are also recognized. The name Ciclovía arises from the seven cycle-friendly routes in Bogotá covering 121 km that the first initiative encompassed. This is a good resource for bringing activity and social connections into cities without major infrastructure costs. It is useful for mayors and local politicians, local people and public health practitioners.
Initiative | 2014
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Ciclovía Recreativa/Universidad de los Andes, Colombia