Ciclovias Recreativas

Guidance and case studies from Ciclovía Recreativa. This is an initiative for the temporary opening of streets to residents to enjoy them as safe and pleasant spaces for walking, jogging, skating or cycling. Ciclovía Recreativa projects differ from permanent bike routes because they promotes temporary spaces where the principal use is not for transport, but for recreation. In general, Ciclovía Recreativa occurs on a fixed day of the week (often Sundays and in some cases on holidays) and has an average duration of 6 hours. Also available in Spanish. It is good for planning, implementing and evaluating Ciclovía Recreativa/Open Streets initiatives. It is useful for urban planners, communities and public health practitioners.

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Language(s): EN, ES | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), OPAS, CDC, Gobierno Municipal Guadalajara, District Institute of Sports and Recreation (IDRD), ITDP

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