City leadership for health and sustainable development: Critical issues for successful Healthy Cities projects
The booklet provides an overview of the content, principles, goals and critical factors for the success of Healthy Cities projects in the 21st century. The Healthy Cities movement was launched at the peak of the new public health movement in the 1980s. It was highly attractive to local political leaders; inspiring a wide range of new actors, it spread quickly, eventually becoming a thriving global movement that caught the imagination of thousands of city leaders and professionals concerned with urban health and sustainable development. Today, Healthy Cities is more relevant than ever. Most global public health, social and environmental challenges—as well as the implementation of new sustainable development goals for the planet—require local action and strong local leadership. This concise publication is aimed at decision-makers and professionals. It contains essential facts as well as advice on initiating, leading and implementing Healthy Cities projects.
Initiative, Overview | 2017
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Tsourous A., Global Healthy Cities