City Resilience Action Planning Tool (CityRAP)
Known as CityRAP, this tool is used for training technicians in small to intermediate sized cities in sub-Saharan Africa. CityRAP enables communities to understand and plan actions aimed at reducing risk and building resilience through the development of a resilience framework for action. It is designed as an enabling rather than prescriptive tool, as the core principle is fostering ownership by local government and communities. The tool’s design allows local governments to adapt and implement it with minimal external intervention. It draws on participatory methods, such as local government self-assessments, participatory risk mapping exercises and cross-sectorial action planning, to leverage local knowledge for understanding and planning resilience. The tool includes a set of trainings, exercises and activities directed at municipalities that want to kick-start their resilience action planning. It might be useful for city managers and municipal technicians in local governments and urban stakeholders.
Toolkit, Training |
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Technical Centre for Disaster Risk Management, Sustainability and Urban Resilience with UN-Habitat.