Global report on urban health: equitable healthier cities for sustainable development

"In 2010, at the dawn of this urban world, we published our first joint global report on urban health titled Hidden cities: unmasking and overcoming health inequities in
urban settings. The global community was not only waking up to this new demographic reality and the consequent implications for health, society, and economic and political affairs, but also to a host of new opportunities as humans shape and are shaped by an urban future. Apart from the impact of urbanization on human health, the report used new statistics to demonstrate that the growth of prosperity in cities leaves behind significant ‘hidden’ urban areas and populations. Indeed, many of today’s urban poor are not only much worse off than their wealthier fellow citizens, they even lag behind rural populations. Urban inequity is obviously unjust, but certainly also hindered national and global achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This new report coincides with the advent of the new SDGs and development paradigm. Equity, inclusiveness, and accountability in health and development are core principles and themes of the SDGs, as well as for the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development in Quito in October 2016. The commitment to universal health coverage, as well as to the New Urban Agenda that will emerge from Quito, is intrinsically linked to improving the living conditions and health of all city dwellers. Useful for urban leaders and governments. "


Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO, UN-Habitat

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