Harvesting the Value of Water: Stormwater, Green Infrastructure, and Real Estate
The report seeks to address a gap in today’s research on stormwater management approaches. Although much has been written on the topic of green infrastructure and water management, most recent reports focus on stormwater policies or opportunities for capturing stormwater in the public realm. Fewer have focused on implications for private sector real estate developers. This report brings together an analysis of the stormwater policy landscape and an introduction to a variety of real estate development projects that have responded to them. After outlining the reasons that stormwater management is important to cities, this report introduces a series of real estate case studies and a range of types of stormwater policies. The case studies come from locations across the United States and present both innovations in stormwater management and positive financial, operational, or design outcomes. The resource can be useful for policy makers, urban planners, academics and interested citizens.
Briefing | 2017
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Urban Land Institute (ULI)