Health Indicators of sustainable cities in the Context of the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Initial findings from a WHO Expert Consultation: 17-18 May 2012

"Health indicators proposed here also reflect progress on social equity, environment , and development dimensions of sustainable cities.
Core indicators include:
- Slum housing improvements that benefit health – as assessed by well-defined measures for safe, resilient, and climate-adapted structures that also have access to clean energy and basic utilities;
- Urban air quality in terms of particulate pollution – with respect to WHO air quality guidelines;
- Healthy, efficient transport – in terms of safety and use of sustainable modes, including walking, cycling, and public transport;
- Urban violence - in terms of intentional homicides.
Useful for urban leaders, academics and interested citizens. "

| 2012

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO

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