Healthy cities : good health is good politics : toolkit for local governments to support healthy urban development
This toolkit aims to highlight key considerations in applying the Healthy Cities approach and using it as a platform to achieve healthy urban development. It emphasizes key actions a city can take to protect and promote health. Each city should consider its local context and needs, and adopt what it thinks is best for the city. And throughout the implementation, the city should continuously strive to align actions to the core principles of Healthy Cities. This toolkit is not a guideline for addressing health challenges in a city and meeting specific standards. The resources and case studies are intended to serve as examples and are not gold standards for application. Assess health inequities and identify social determinants using the tools described in Chapter 4 – such as the Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool (Urban HEART), Health Lens Analysis, Health Impact Assessment (HIA) or Rapid Equity-Focused Health Impact Assessment (Rapid EFHIA). This resource is useful for local governments.
Toolkit | 2015
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: WHO WPRO