Investing in water and sanitation: increasing access, reducing inequalities: GLAAS 2014 findings - highlights for the Region of the Americas
"Good example of pan-regional monitoring and assessment report.
Sixteen countries out of 35 in the WHO Region of the Americas, with a total population of 550 million, participated in the GLAAS 2013/2014 reporting cycle. Overall, access to improved drinking-water and sanitation services in the Region of the Americas is 96 and 87 per cent (in 2015), respectively. More than 110 million people gained access to an improved drinking-water source and over 400 million gained access to improved sanitation in the 2005 to 2015 time period.2 However in 2015, there were still over 100 million people without improved sanitation and over 35 million without access to an improved drinking-water source in the Region of the Americas.
Much progress has been made on water and sanitation in the region. However, there is still a substantial need to further strengthen government commitments and actions to approve and implement national policies and plans for the provision of safe and sustainable water and sanitation services. There are a number of challenges that need to be addressed, including:
• Reducing inequalities in access to water and sanitation,
• Applying the human right to water and sanitation to ensure access of services to all,
• Building capacity for surveillance of water supplies,
• Creating action plans to fill the gap in human resources, and
• Establishing a comprehensive national system for planning and implementing WASH sector financing. Useful for national governments. "
Briefing | 2016
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO, UN-Water