Planning for Health: Promising Practices for Healthy Built Environments in Ontario's Public Health Units

This report acts as both a toolkit as well as a compilation of evidence that display how the promising practices of public health units' role in community design process have led to the achivement of better health outcomes. The paper demonstrates the relationship between the built environment's impacts on health and how public health units can successfully work in their respective communities to improve communituy design for health. However, most importantly this report describes four esential steps towards making the aforesaid possible—namely, plan for collaboration, acquire planning and process knowledge, establish relationships, use evidence to influence and mobilize. This resource is intended for public health professionals, urban planners, civil society, and potentially policy makers as well.

, , | 2019

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: The Centre for Active Transportation/ Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit

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