Rapid Health Impact Assessment Tool
This rapid HIA tool is designed to assess the likely health impacts of development plans and proposals, including planning frameworks and masterplans for large areas, regeneration and estate renewal programmes and outline and detailed planning applications. It can be applied in a variety of processes, from desktop to community event. Although the introduction set the scene for London planning policy, as a resource, the supplied matrix of impact assessment is widely applicable internationally. The tool provides an assessment matrix based on eleven topics or broad determinants: 1. Housing design and affordability, 2. Access to health and social care services and other social infrastructure, 3. Access to open space and nature, 4. Air quality, noise and neighbourhood amenity, 5. Accessibility and active travel, 6. Crime reduction and community safety, 7. Access to healthy food, 8. Access to work and training, 9. Social cohesion and inclusive design, 10. Minimising the use of resources, 11. Climate change. This resource can be useful for everyone to use – communities, the public sector, the third sector (voluntary and non-profit organisations), and the private sector.
Toolkit | 2019
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: NHS. London Healthy Urban Development Unit