Rapid Planning Studio
Rapid Planning Studio aims at strengthening planning capacity of participating municipalities for sustainable urban development and providing a clear planning methodology and an actionable roadmap to supply serviced land for rapid urban growth. A workshop integrating the three basic pillars – urban legislation, urban finance and economy, and urban planning and design – of sustainable urban development simulating a full planning process in a rapid, 3-day format. It is applicable worldwide. Harnessing the knowledge, talents and energies of all parties to discuss citywide urban analysis and profiling, strategic planning, urban transformation and public spaces, focusing specifically on answering the challenges of participating municipalities regarding planned city extensions. Target audience are senior and technical municipal staff from planning, budgeting & economy, legal and regulatory, public works and related departments. Also mayors, senior officials and decision makers.
Toolkit, Training | 2016
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat