Urban Planning and Design Lab's: tools for integrated and participatory urban planning
Urban planning is a complex process that requires strong political leadership and commitment, and implementable legal frameworks articulated through a common development vision and social participation. It is exactly in the complexity of this process that UN-Habitat founded its in-house Urban Planning and Design Lab, in order to provide assistance to local, regional and national authorities with urban planning and design. The UN-Habitat´s Lab has been a response to a growing demand from cities, not only providing tools for their urbanization challenges, but also responding to urban planning in general. Within a complex set of actors and technical realities, the Planning Lab finds its existence and application to create, navigate and accelerate the urban strategies and transformative projects for implementation. This publication aims to present the Lab´s approach towards planning and design, management and implementation, as well as to introduce the trajectory of the UN-Habitat’s Lab through its working years of experience. It is useful for governments.
Initiative | 2016
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat