Integrating Health Impact Assessment in Urban Design and Planning: The Manukau Experience

This paper explores how a HIA process was used to forge closer links between health and urban design agendas in Manukau City.
The case study reveals many common interests among public health and urban designers/planners, and also reveals how a public health-oriented approach was able to engage people across a range of sectors, along with Maori stakeholders, to influence long-term planning for a city centre.
The HIA informed the design approach to the city centre and became a catalyst for greater integration of urban design, planning and health. The process was able to establish links between urban designers and the health and social sectors, which flowed into a subsequent and more expansive HIA process in neighbouring Wiri. These HIA processes laid an important foundation for further collaboration in the newly established Auckland Council, which spans the entire Auckland region. The resource is mainly useful for urban leaders and practitioners in Maukau, although it can also be useful for these professionals from other areas worldwide.

, | 2010

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Country | Author/Publisher: Ministry of Health, New Zealand

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