, | 2017Descriptive resource

Towards More Physical Activity in Cities: Transforming public spaces to promote physical activity — a key contributor to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe

"This publication focuses on physical activity and how it can be supported through urban planning. The focus on physical activity is explained by the fact that inactivity today accounts for an increasing proportion of deaths and disability worldwide and is associated with significant health care...

Language(s): English; Russian | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO

| 2017Descriptive resource

Healthy Development Without Displacement: Realizing the Vision of Healthy Communities for All

"This paper: 1 - Underscores the health impacts of displacement, and how community stability supports public health 2 - Highlights some of the organizations, researchers, and communities leading this work, and key publications that dive deeper into these issues 3 - Promotes new alliances between those...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Prevention Institute

, | 2016Descriptive resource

Noncommunicable diseases: what municipal authorities, local governments and ministries responsible for urban planning need to know

A short advocacy briefing focusing on addressing NCDs through urban planning. Good for dealing with a broad range of health challenges and widely applicable cities at any stage of development. Support for HiAP and SDG approaches. Useful for municipal authorities, local governments and ministries responsible...

Language(s): English; Spanish; French; Chinese; Arabic; Russian | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: WHO & UNDP

| 2016Descriptive resource

Investing in water and sanitation: increasing access, reducing inequalities: GLAAS 2014 findings - highlights for the Region of the Americas

"Good example of pan-regional monitoring and assessment report. Sixteen countries out of 35 in the WHO Region of the Americas, with a total population of 550 million, participated in the GLAAS 2013/2014 reporting cycle. Overall, access to improved drinking-water and sanitation services in the Region...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO & UN-Water

| 2016Descriptive resource

Health risk assessment of air pollution – general principles.

Important for UTP, the document looks at the policy implications of the assessment. An air pollution health risk assessment (AP-HRA) estimates the health impact to be expected from measures that affect air quality, in different socioeconomic, environmental, and policy circumstances. As such, it is...

Language(s): English; Russian | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: WHO EURO

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