| 2014Descriptive resource

A new strategy of sustainable neighbourhood planning: Five Principles

In supporting sustainable neighbourhoods, these principles seek to: promote high-density urban growth, alleviate urban sprawl and maximize land efficiency; promote sustainable, diversified, socially equal and thriving communities in economically viable ways; encourage walkable neighbourhoods and reduce...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat

, | 2013Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Promoting non-motorized transport in Asian cities: policymakers’ toolbox

This is a comprehensive briefing and design manual with several practical survey and audit tools. The health focus is improving air quality. However, a shift to cycling and walking will increase physical activity. Contains case studies and options for solutions. The resource is good for auditing and...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Clean Air Asia; UN-Habitat; Sustainable Energy Foundation

| 2013Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Urban Planning for City Leaders

"Comprehensive briefing on urban planning for local authorities / mayors, looking at UTP to accomplish various goals. None specific to health, although health co-benefits are addressed. This resource aims to provide local leaders and decision makers with the tools to support urban planning good practice....

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat

| 2012Descriptive resource

Health in the green economy: health co-benefits of climate change mitigation - transport sector

This document is part of WHO’s Health in the green economy series. It describes how many climate change measures can be “win-wins” for people and the planet. These policies can yield large, immediate public health benefits while reducing the upward trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions. The...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO

| 2012Descriptive resource

Health Indicators of sustainable cities in the Context of the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Initial findings from a WHO Expert Consultation: 17-18 May 2012

"Health indicators proposed here also reflect progress on social equity, environment , and development dimensions of sustainable cities. Core indicators include: - Slum housing improvements that benefit health – as assessed by well-defined measures for safe, resilient, and climate-adapted structures...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO

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