Design Guide

, , | 2021Action oriented | Descriptive resource

RICH Food, Smart City: How Building Reliable, Inclusive, Competitive, and Healthy Food Systems is Smart Policy for Urban Asia

Rich Food, Smart City provides new insights into the status of urban food policy and governance across Asian cities of all sizes and offers concrete illustrations of the many policies and programs that Asia’s cities can learn from and implement to improve food system outcomes. It argues that to effectively...

Language(s): EN, Other | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: World Bank

, , , | 2020Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Primer for Cool Cities: Reducing Excessive Urban Heat—With a Focus on Passive Measures

Cities are getting hotter as a result of growing urbanization and global climate change. The negative impacts of temperature increases are significant and touch nearly every aspect of urban life. Protecting populations from extreme heat is one of the key resiliency and sustainability challenges of the...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: World Bank

, | 2018Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Inclusive Healthy Places: A Guide to Inclusion & Health in Public Space: Learning Globally to Transform Locally

A participatory tool for evaluating and creating inclusive, healthy public places that support health equity. This framework supports inclusion to advance health equity through public spaces. The framework is built around four guiding principles for shaping and assessing public space projects. Only one...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: Gehl Institute

, | 2019Descriptive resource

Implementing the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning for improved health and well-being

This report collates the suggestions put forth by various urban health organizations on how to organize coordinated actions to incorporate health actors and implications in urban planning and development. The report emphasizes on the importance of adopting a systems approach to understanding urban-health...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat

, | 2021Action oriented

Frontline: Preparing Healthcare Systems for Shocks from Disasters to Pandemics

To strengthen the resilience of health care services to shocks and pressures, this report highlights lessons from the disaster risk and emergency management practice. It outlines five principles that are crucial to enable health systems to offer more reliable and shock-resistant services. The principles...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: World Bank

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