Design Guide

, , | 2022Action oriented

Compendium of WHO and other UN guidance on health and environment

The Compendium is a comprehensive collection of available WHO and other United Nations (UN) guidance for improving health by creating healthier environments. It provides an overview and easy access of 500 actions, and a framework for thinking about health and environment interventions. It covers a broad...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO

, , | Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Global Designing Cities Initiative. Guides and publications

This initiative closely examines street design impacts and how it intersects with urban global issues. The initiative focuses on how street design can impact sustainibility and accessibility, but also the public health and safety of communities as well. Herein, we see that the guide published by this...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: Global Designing Cities Initiative

, , | 2022Action oriented | Descriptive resource

How to develop and sustain healthy cities in 20 steps

This guide is for coordinators and secretariats of cities in the WHO European HealthyCities Network and national healthy cities networks in the Network of European National Healthy Cities Networks supported by the WHO Regional Office for Europe.It is also for those who are considering adopting the Healthy...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO

, | 2023Action oriented

National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities: a guide

This guide provides suggestion for shaping more age-inclusive urban and territorial planning by designing more age-frielndly environments. In addition to having practical steps for creating programmes that enable such activities, the guide also points to case studies. As part of this initiative, the...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO

, | 2018Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Shaping urbanization for children. A handbook on child-responsive urban planning

This handbook on child-responsive urban planning provides details for creating thriving and equitable cities where children live in healthy, safe, inclusive, green and prosperous communities. By focusing on children, this publication provides guidance on the central role that urban planning should...

Language(s): EN, CN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: UNICEF

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