Evidence | 2013Descriptive resource
Healthy Built Environments Program. Fact sheets
"The Healthy Built Environments Program prepared a set of five fact sheets that summarise key points from a literature review. These are a set of briefings that show how to move from the evidence to potential planning policy statements. Fact Sheet 1: A guide to “Healthy Built Environments: A Review...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: UNSW Australia. City Futures Research Centre.
Evidence | 2013Descriptive resource
Greening Dementia - a literature review of the benefits and barriers facing individuals living with dementia in accessing the natural environment and local greenspace
"Evidence suggests that social interaction and access to the outdoors and nature is important for people living with dementia and that these activities have an important role in their quality of life. Evidence of benefits for people living with dementia from access to the natural environment is limited...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: Clark, P., Mapes, N., Burt, J. & Preston, S. Natural England
Evidence | 2012Descriptive resource
Addressing the social determinants of health: the urban dimension and the role of local government
This report summarizes the evidence on the social determinants of health and the built environment with special reference to the role of local government across countries in the WHO European Region. It draws on the findings of the global Commission on Social Determinants of Health and the European...
Language(s): English; Russian | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO EURO
Evidence | 2011Descriptive resource
Making the case for investment in the walking environment: A review of the evidence. Living Streets
In depth look at nine different interventions types that can be made in the walking environment to assess a wide range of social, economic and health benefits using a wide evidence base. Ten case studies, six from UK and one each from New York, Melbourne, Drachten and Copenhagen as used to illustrate...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: University of the West of UK, Bristol, and Cavill Associates
Briefing, Evidence | 2011Descriptive resource
Transport (road transport) : shared interests in sustainable outcomes
"In depth report of co-benefits using transport as the entry point. Goal 1. Sustainable transport systems enhance economic development, while minimizing potential negative impacts -Transport should support the efficient movement of people, goods and services to contribute to economic development and...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO