
, | 2011Descriptive resource

Transport (road transport) : shared interests in sustainable outcomes

"In depth report of co-benefits using transport as the entry point. Goal 1. Sustainable transport systems enhance economic development, while minimizing potential negative impacts -Transport should support the efficient movement of people, goods and services to contribute to economic development and...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO

, , | 2006Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Gender and Transport Resource Guide

"This Resource Guide provides gender mainstreaming tools and information for individuals and groups working on policy, design, implementation monitoring and evaluation, capacity building and research in the transport sector and sectors affected by transport. The Resource Guide: • Provides checklists,...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program (SSATP) at The World Bank.

, | 2003Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors

UK research initiative looking at the quality of life impact for older people of spending time outdoors, and the barriers and facilitators to that. Found higher quality of life and activity levels for participants who lived in environments that provided easier and more enjoyable outdoor activity and...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Country | Author/Publisher: IDGO group

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