
, | 2010Descriptive resource

Integrating Health Impact Assessment in Urban Design and Planning: The Manukau Experience

This paper explores how a HIA process was used to forge closer links between health and urban design agendas in Manukau City.The case study reveals many common interests among public health and urban designers/planners, and also reveals how a public health-oriented approach was able to engage people...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Country | Author/Publisher: Ministry of Health, New Zealand

, | 2023Descriptive resource

Tracking urban health policies: a conceptual framework with special focus on air pollution in African cities

This is a guide for establishing and developing urban primary health centers (UPHCs) according to India’s National Health Mission framework, and using public-private partnership (PPP) arrangements with nongovernment organizations. It can be used by all states, regardless of where they are in the development...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO

, | 2021Action oriented

International Guidelines on Urban Territorial Planning: Report 2018-2020 – Implementing the International Guidelines on Urban Territorial Planning 2018-2020

Although this document provides a broad guidelline on urban territorial planning, the report also contains a chapter on the importance of health integration as part of urban planning. The authors explicitly delineate how the health is collated within the guideline and also provide the readers a case-study...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat

, , | 2022Action oriented

Greening Buildings for Healthier People

This report identifies building-scale opportunities to simultaneously and cost-effectively accelerate action on climate change and health, maximize their co-benefits, and manage any tensions between them. The audience includes developers, owners, and operators, but tenants can also use this report to...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: ULI

| 2018Descriptive resource

Compendium of Inspiring Practices: Health Edition

This paper brings together over 20 case studies that highlight practical information city planning and how to address issues that develop when prioritizing health as part of urban design. Although the primary goal of the paper is to present the key principles of the International Guidelines on Urban...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat

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