, | 2018Descriptive resource

Global action plan on physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for a healthier world

A widely applicable plan for action to support everyday physical activity developed through a worldwide consultation process involving governments and key stakeholders across multiple sectors including health, sports, transport, urban design, civil society, academia and the private sector. Focusing...

Language(s): English | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Clean Air Asia; UN-Habitat; Sustainable Energy Foundation

, | 2017Descriptive resource

Bending the curve on urban diabetes: New research approaches and innovative interventions for tackling diabetes in your city

This briefing presents highlights from research and diabetes action pilots in eight cities worldwide. The approach demonstrates how urban planning needs to be embedded as a solution to this health challenge. The focus is obesity, the single most significant driver of diabetes. Pitched against an objective...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Cities Changing Diabetes

, | 2017Descriptive resource

Spatial Planning for Health: An Evidence Resource for Planning and Designing Healthier Places

The review identifies, critically appraises and summarizes existing review-level evidence of associations between the built and natural environment and health outcomes. The review is centred on five aspects of the built and natural environment: neighbourhood design, housing, healthier food, natural...

Language(s): English | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Public Health England

, | 2017Descriptive resource


"This work began with extensive background research and in-depth interviews with leading practitioners in the field to discover existing resources and knowledge. We collected 21 case studies from 16 different countries and uncovered stories and ideas that demonstrate effective methods for engaging...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Bernard van Leer Foundation, 880 cities, and Urban 95

, | 2017Descriptive resource

City leadership for health and sustainable development: Critical issues for successful Healthy Cities projects

The booklet provides an overview of the content, principles, goals and critical factors for the success of Healthy Cities projects in the 21st century. The Healthy Cities movement was launched at the peak of the new public health movement in the 1980s. It was highly attractive to local political leaders;...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Tsourous, A., Global Healthy Cities

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