Initiative | 2014Action oriented | Descriptive resource
Ciclovia Recreativa in Latin America and Open Streets in South Africa.
What started as an initiative in Bogotá, Colombia, then spread to hundreds of towns and cities in many countries. The activity is a time-limited period (weekly and/or on major public holidays) when specific major roads are closed to traffic so that residents have the space for jogging, running, skating,...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Ciclovía Recreativa/Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Initiative | 2010Descriptive resource
Urbanization and health: health equity and vulnerable populations: case studies from the Eastern Mediterranean Region
The preliminary evidence presented by these studies provides a powerful argument for city planners, municipal authorities, nongovernmental organizations and civil society in their efforts to improve urban health. It is intended to be used as an advocacy tool to sensitize policy-makers and parliamentarians...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO EMRO
Evidence, Initiative | 2003Action oriented | Descriptive resource
Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors
UK research initiative looking at the quality of life impact for older people of spending time outdoors, and the barriers and facilitators to that. Found higher quality of life and activity levels for participants who lived in environments that provided easier and more enjoyable outdoor activity and...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Country | Author/Publisher: IDGO group