, | 2016Action oriented

Creating age-friendly environments in Europe. A tool for policy-makers and planners

A handbook based on lessons learned from existing age-friendly initiatives in Europe. It builds on relevant locally and regionally developed tools that are now available, with evidence from research. The handbook links actions to create more age-friendly environments to the broader context of European...

Language(s): English; Other | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO EURO

| 2016Descriptive resource

Regional framework for urban health in the Western Pacific 2016-2020: Healthy and resilient cities

Moves Healthy Cities from a settings to systems approach. Acknowledges the role of built environment and the urban planned environment in health outcomes. Useful for national and local governments.   ...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO WPRO

| 2016Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Health as the pulse of the new urban agenda: United Nations conference on housing and sustainable urban development, Quito, October 2016

This report considers how to integrate health into urban planning, investments, and policy decisions, so as to support the implementation and achievement of the goals and objectives of the New Urban Agenda. Two core themes run throughout this report. First, to realize Habitat III’s collective vision...

Language(s): English; Chinese | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: WHO

| 2015Descriptive resource

Principles for Healthy and Sustainable Places

"The United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) has distilled the big ideas of today’s Urban Thinkers into a document summarizing key principles which can guide the creation of healthy and sustainable human settlements. The document presents full descriptions...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: World Urban Campaign, United Nations University and ThinkCity

| 2014Descriptive resource

Urban mobility plans. National approaches and local practice. Moving towards strategic, sustainable and inclusive urban transport planning. Sustainable urban transport technical document #13.

Urban mobility plans are used as a planning tool and policy instrument to guide the development of transport in urban areas and surroundings. This document reviews urban mobility planning from several countries, showing a shift away from the traditional, infrastructure-oriented approach towards sustainable...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: ITDP and GIZ

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