Overview, Toolkit | 2016Action oriented
Creating age-friendly environments in Europe. A tool for policy-makers and planners
A handbook based on lessons learned from existing age-friendly initiatives in Europe. It builds on relevant locally and regionally developed tools that are now available, with evidence from research. The handbook links actions to create more age-friendly environments to the broader context of European...
Language(s): EN, Other | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: WHO EURO
Toolkit, Training | 2016Action oriented
Rapid Planning Studio
Rapid Planning Studio aims at strengthening planning capacity of participating municipalities for sustainable urban development and providing a clear planning methodology and an actionable roadmap to supply serviced land for rapid urban growth. A workshop integrating the three basic pillars – urban...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat
Toolkit | 2016Action oriented
Healthy Community Implementation Toolbox
"Overview of how various policy tools (i e zoning codes, design guidelines, building codes etc) can be used to improve community health. Specific to Los Angeles but applicable in the more general context too. This resource can be useful for a wide variety of users that have the potential to address...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Urban Land Institute (ULI)
Toolkit | 2015Action oriented | Descriptive resource
Gentrification & Neighborhood change. Helpful Tools for Communities
This toolkit argues that it is possible to have development without displacement and shows how to achieve this. Published as a supplement to The socioeconomic change of Chicago’s community areas (1970–2010), the toolkit presents strategies for addressing the pressures of gentrification in a community...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: NP Voorhees, University of Illinois at Chicago
Toolkit | 2015Action oriented | Descriptive resource
Measuring the age-friendliness of cities: a guide to using core indicators
The tool is based on the perspectives and inputs of older people, care givers and service providers collected in 33 cities across all six WHO regions: Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia and Western Pacific. The publication focuses on eight key domains of urban life that...
Language(s): EN, ES, FRE, CN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: WHO