Evidence, Toolkit | 2015Action oriented
Building Healthy Places Toolkit
Resource and reference document providing specific evidence-supported design and programming recommendations that relate to health. The toolkit is useful for built environment professionals, developers and public health practitioners who are seeking to shape buildings and projects in ways that enhance...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Center for Active Design, Urban Land Institute (ULI)
Toolkit | 2015Action oriented | Descriptive resource
Healthy cities : good health is good politics : toolkit for local governments to support healthy urban development
This toolkit aims to highlight key considerations in applying the Healthy Cities approach and using it as a platform to achieve healthy urban development. It emphasizes key actions a city can take to protect and promote health. Each city should consider its local context and needs, and adopt what...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: WHO WPRO
Toolkit | 2014Action oriented
The Urban Health Index: A handbook for its calculation and use
In depth guide to statistical calculations for Urban Health Index and the reasoning behind them. Subtitled 'A VERSATILE APPROACH TO MEASURING AND MAPPING HEALTH INEQUALITIES'. The UHI provides a flexible approach to selection, amalgamation, and presentation of health data. Its purpose is to furnish...
Language(s): EN, Others | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: WHO
Briefing, Toolkit | 2013Action oriented | Descriptive resource
Promoting non-motorized transport in Asian cities: policymakers’ toolbox
This is a comprehensive briefing and design manual with several practical survey and audit tools. The health focus is improving air quality. However, a shift to cycling and walking will increase physical activity. Contains case studies and options for solutions. The resource is good for auditing and...
Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Clean Air Asia,UN-Habitat, Sustainable Energy Foundation
Toolkit | 2010Action oriented
Urban HEART: Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool
The tool guides users through a standardized procedure of gathering relevant evidence and planning efficiently for appropriate actions to tackle health inequities. Case studies demonstrate how it has galvanized both city governments and communities to recognize and take action on health inequities....
Language(s): EN, ES, FR, Other | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Block by Block