, , , , | Action oriented | Descriptive resource

The C40 Knowledge Hub. Cutting-edge insights and practical resources from leading climate cities.

This website hosts numerous resources for cities (a term used to encompass urban municipals as well) to tackle climate change concerns. Although the primary focus is on climate change, the resources compiled also include relevant steps towards including health as a focus in urban and territorial planning....

Language(s): EN, AR, FR, PT, SP, Other | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: C40 Knowledge Hub

, , , , | Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Healthy Urbanism

This is a resource hub that was compiled by Helen Pineo. This hub includes files that uses multidisciplinary tools to the planning process in order to ensure the creation of healthy places. In addition to proposals of a new framework, healthy urbanism, the hub also hosts case studies and overviews that...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: Helen Pineo

, | 2020Action oriented

Online Course – Health Impact Assessment, step by step

This online course aims to familiarize participants with the process of conducting health impact assessments of projects, programs, and policies in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. By the end of this online course, participants will be able to: (i) Recognize the fundamentals of the HIA of public...

Language(s): EN, FR | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: Thierno Diallo (National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy)

, , | Action oriented

Propensity to Cycle Tool

The Propensity to Cycle project was designed to assist transport planners and policy-makers to prioritize investments and interventions to promote cycling. It answers the question, “where is cycling currently common and where does cycling have the greatest potential to grow?” The tool can be used...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: Propensity to Cycle project

, , , | Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Block by Block

Block by Block began in 2012 with the idea of integrating the computer game Minecraft into public space planning to get community members more involved. The approach is easy to use, and people of all ages, backgrounds and education levels can pick it up quickly. The resource is good for LMICs; because...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Block by Block

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