, , , , | Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Healthy Urbanism

This is a resource hub that was compiled by Helen Pineo. This hub includes files that uses multidisciplinary tools to the planning process in order to ensure the creation of healthy places. In addition to proposals of a new framework, healthy urbanism, the hub also hosts case studies and overviews that...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: Helen Pineo

, , , , | Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Urban Resilience Hub

Urban Resilience Hub is a UN-Habitat’s technical partners for urban resilience. They help cities increase their resilience by diagnosing the state of their urban system, driving actions, sharing and building knowledge for policy making. ...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: UN-Habitat; UNDP

, | Action oriented

Healthy cities generator

This web resource hosts a digital toolkit which can help in not only assessing urban plans but also designing them health goals in mind. In addition, to the aforesaid tool, the toolkit also provides a list of health goals, developed after extensive research on the correlations between health and urban...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: Healthy Cities Generator

, | Descriptive resource

Health impact assessment

Main site and repository of information from the WHO about HIA. It might be useful for a range of environmental and health policy-makers worldwide.   ...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO

, , , | Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Block by Block

Block by Block began in 2012 with the idea of integrating the computer game Minecraft into public space planning to get community members more involved. The approach is easy to use, and people of all ages, backgrounds and education levels can pick it up quickly. The resource is good for LMICs; because...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Block by Block

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