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Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP)

The Sustainable Urban Transport Project assists developing transport expert and friends as well as cities around the world to achieve their sustainable transport goals. They develop and disseminate resources on all aspects of sustainable urban mobility here. The SUTP Sourcebooks investigate the key...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: GIZ ASEM / ITDP

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Place Standard Tool

The Place Standard tool provides a simple framework to structure conversations about place, whether the place is well-established, undergoing change, or is still being planned. It is a resource for participants to think about the physical elements of a place (for example its buildings, spaces, and...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: NHS Scotland

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Building with Nature

UK initiative aiming to encourage green infrastructure and wildlife protection through standards for new developments comes with a user guide that aims to support developers and policy makers. It gives out accreditation to new developments that align with these voluntary standards.   ...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Country | Author/Publisher: Urban LBuilding with natureand Institute (ULI)

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5 Keys to Healthier Cities

"Our health - and that of our planet - depends on how cities are designed. Urban life poses challenges that push us to rethink how we plan urban environments. The #CitiesWeWant are cities designed for people: places where we can live well and be healthy. In this interactive report ISGlobal researchers...

Language(s): English; Spanish; Other | Geographic Scope: City | Author/Publisher: Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

, | Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Know Your City: community-driven data on slums

This tool has been developed by Slum Dwellers International, a network of community-based organizations of the urban poor in 32 countries and hundreds of cities and towns across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Know Your City is a global network of knowledge that is owned by the communities it serves...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: Slum Dwellers International

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