| Descriptive resource

Air pollution

Key information and monitoring source for cities on ambient and household air pollution. It provides access to a wide range of urban and rural resources to support healthier air quality. It is useful for cities worldwide and for all the actors interested in air pollution.   ...

Language(s): English; Spanish; French; Chinese; Arabic; Russian | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: WHO

, | Action oriented

Ciclovias Recreativas

Guidance and case studies from Ciclovía Recreativa. This is an initiative for the temporary opening of streets to residents to enjoy them as safe and pleasant spaces for walking, jogging, skating or cycling. Ciclovía Recreativa projects differ from permanent bike routes because they promotes temporary...

Language(s): English; Spanish | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: Universidad de los Andes (Colombia); OPAS; CDC; Gobierno Municipal Guadalajara; District Institute of Sports and Recreation (IDRD); ITDP

, , , , | 2019Action oriented | Descriptive resource

INHERIT (Inter-sectoral Health and Environment Research for Innovation)

Biophilic design helps make happy and productive workplaces; creates healing and comforting environments in hospitals; shapes schools where children thrive physically, emotionally and academically; and, supports well-being and community in homes and neighbourhoods. Biophilic buildings go well beyond...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Regional | Author/Publisher: INHERIT project

, , | 2018Descriptive resource

Biophilic Public Health

Biophilic design helps make happy and productive workplaces; creates healing and comforting environments in hospitals; shapes schools where children thrive physically, emotionally and academically; and, supports well-being and community in homes and neighbourhoods. Biophilic buildings go well beyond...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: Toi Te Ora Public Health.

, , | 2017Action oriented | Descriptive resource

Generating better evidence for sustainable development research and evaluation

IIED is developing a body of work that seeks to understand how to develop better evidence for sustainable development research and evaluation. A group of IIED researchers and evaluators have explored how methodological innovations and time-tested approaches may contribute to better evidence for sustainable...

Language(s): EN | Geographic Scope: Global | Author/Publisher: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

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